NOTES: Frye's "Great Code"/Genesis of Pneu
Satan rose against Israel and incited David to take a census of the Israelites. -- 1 Chronicles 21:1
Frye's example of a "tension" between a more metaphorical construct of an earlier age and the more metonymic thinker of a later age wherein the tension is resolved, on the one hand, Yahweh's anger when David is compelled to take a census and Satan's, by a "moralizing and rationalizing approach" to this contradiction in which both Yahweh and Satan compel David and by means of "continuous prose""intermediate sentences" resolve the inconsistency.
John 3:8: "The wind bloweth where it is everyone that is born of the Spirit" is a metonymic translation of the Greek where wind and Spirit are used to translate the two occurrences of pneuma in the Greek.
"The wind blows where it likes...that's what everyone is like who is born of the wind" is a purely metaphorical translation.
"The self is some head you can't go around, back, nor in front of" (Larry Eigner).
Eigner's wheelchair: "[...] metal sides and footboards with folding-up fabric seat, one of the first such wheelchairs to be manufactured [...]"
"Biology walks around with all of us everyday."
"Writing first and foremost was to be understood, had to be clear, while then I figured immediacy and force take priority, too bad but you can't be both or all three too often,