Thursday, June 02, 2022

  The whole country on the Ohio river, had already drawn the attention of many persons from the neighbouring provinces ; who generally forming themselves into parties, would rove through the country in search of land, either to settle on, or for speculation ; and some, careless of watching over their conduct, or destitute of both honour and humanity, would join a rabble, (a class of people generally met with on the frontiers) who maintained, that to kill an Indian, was the same as killing a bear or a buffalo, and would fire on Indians that came across them by the way ; —nay, more, would decoy such as lived across the river, to come over, for the purpose of joining them in hilarity; and when these complied, they fell on them and murdered them. Unfortunately, some of the murdered were of the family of Logan,* a noted man among the Indians.

A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians From its Commencement in the Year 1740, to the Close of the Year 1808 by John Heckewelder (pp. 130-31) 

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