Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gadzooks, it's obvious now, the significance of the fishing pole disassembled. The lines of verse are the pole and the meaning is the fishingline held taut by the reel of the deferring of the hand to the mind in its discernment. Not assembling it because of the reluctance to get the line entangled with the tree along the river bank is indicative of my reluctance to write verse which does not come up to my critical standards.

WCW's dash, hyphen, I recently confided to my neighbor who is a poet, was confounding me--how he uses it, to what purpose, WCW's variable foot, whatever that is. WCW keeps breaking the line, his Perpetuum Mobile: City is a case in point, as if he is extending his line out out out down the page and the reader puts it together (to gather in the mind of the reader) in her mind.

Still reading Derrida's Freud and the Writing Scene and amazed at its insights. Jung is popular because the bourgeoisie wants to have a more interesting life by coming up with his symbols in her dreams.

I had a dream about Sammy Davis Junior just a few days before he died. Someone had told me he had died and then I remembered the dream. The collective pop. culture unconscious!


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